Day: August 7, 2006

Language Comprehension

On Sunday we were entertaining Leilani by reading a book. Since, we don’t believe in cramming babies’ heads with numbers and colors, we just show her the pictures and read the words to say something before flipping the page—no repetition. The images and moving the pages captivate her more than the spoken words. We were reading the book that shows grandmothers doing things with their grandkids, for example walking, brushing, hugging, etc.

Imagine our surprise when we read the word “clapping” and she immediately started clapping her hands. She was looking at the picture in the book, but it actually looks more like praying, so I don’t think she was cued visually. We were both focused on the book, not her, so we weren’t encouraging her, and we definitely didn’t clap with our hands. We knew she could clap and she actually does it often, and we say “clap” in both English and German, so she knows the word. What’s surprising is that this time she clapped in response to the word that was not directed at her.

Interestingly, Leilani has another trick with clapping. For over a month I tried to show her how to clap. She didn’t like me moving her hands for her, so we started out with her clapping my hand, and later she could do it by herself. Maybe I’m just inventing motivations for her, but it does seem like she now claps specfically to get our attention. She knows it is an action we value, and we encourage the behavior by turning our attention to her when she does it. Actually, we prefer that type of call for attention much more than screaming or shrieking.

Real Crawling and Sitting

We’ve mentioned several times that Leilani has been “crawling” by pulling and pushing herself forward on her stomach. She got fairly good at it, and except for certains surfaces she got relatively quick at it. I was even afraid she wouldn’t learn to crawl on her hands and knees if she learns to walk soon, as she’s showing signs of doing.

But two days ago, on Saturday, she did the first real crawling that I’ve seen. We had fed her and put her on the floor to play while we were eating. She practiced being on hands and knees, and instead of falling on her stomach as usual, she moved the arms and knees in the right order to move forward. It was only a few “steps” but defintiely regular baby crawling. Showing the usual quick progression of babies, my wife witnessed her go half-way across a room earlier today, and I saw it too for myself this afternoon.

Actually, just minutes before the crawling, we looked over at her on the floor and saw her sitting. We stared at each other for a second and realized we’d both been at the table, so she must’ve gone from belly-crawling to sitting by herself. That was kind of a surprise because I’d never seen her practice that or do a similar motion. Her friend Ian is really good at it, going forward and back to sitting repeatedly, and maybe she learned from watching him. She did it again on Sunday when I was filming her, so I’ll try to get the evidence posted here.

Update: Here’s the video: