Day: February 6, 2007


I was downstairs, and I heard Leilani in the kitchen talking with her Mom. I assumed Leilani was sitting on the floor with a plate of bananas that we give her to peel:

— “Nana … mum-mum.”

— “Nein Leilani, Banane gehen nicht Boing-Boing.”
(“No Leilani, bananas don’t go boing-boing.”)

Maybe you had to be there, but we both laughed. “Mum-mum” is how Leilani says boing-boing, bounce, jump or rabbit.

In other news, Leilani is hitting the three-syllable milestone. She’s been practicing long words in baby talk but the other day I heard “naNAna”, pronounced correctly with the accent on the middle syllable. Another time, she pointed to my knee and said “knee” then she pointed to her knee and said “my knee.” Finally, she is starting to sing. If we tell her to sing and we start the song: “The babies on the bus go Wah, Wah, Wah” she will sing the next “Wah, wah, wah” with a different note for each (not just saying them). We can’t tell if the notes are correct, but they do fit the song.