Day: July 7, 2007

Happy Co-dependence day

We were invited to Alain and Carey’s 4th of July party and had a blast. Leilani played with all her friends on Raya’s playground. The food was great, I made veggie skewers, there were salmon and gardenburgers and for once Andy got to eat real hamburgers. It was generally a nice and relaxed party, with lots of great people attending.

Disclaimer: Derek, an American citizen by birth called it Co-dependence day and I think it is very funny (and secretly wish I had come up with it). Rather than being a general insult on people, it refers to the Hawaii-US situation.

One thing I noticed: the only 3 people wearing red (not bordeau), white, and blue at the party were Emma, a British lady, Leilani and I.

Fireworks were a big hit with everyone, young and old, but especially for the older kids.

Leilani got to hold her first fireworks. First, we introduced her to snap caps, but she can’t throw them consistently hard enough to make them snap all the time. Then there was a new kind of fireworks that is “perfect for kids”: it’s a wooden stick with a 10-second display of small sparks and flares, it even has a paper fuse. So after watching how these new sparklers behave, I held Leilani and gave her a lit one to hold. She watched it and waved it around a bit, seemed to enjoy it, but didn’t seem very excited about it (I guess I should be grateful for that). Even later when the kids were setting off fountains and roman candles, she watched but eventually got bored and went inside out of the smoke to play with toys.


Since there are no playgroups in the summer, Karla and I have been hosting mini playgroups at our homes. Every Monday afternoon at Karla’s house, and Thursday morning at our house, 5-10 babies and toddlers and their parents meet, have fun, play, eat snacks, chat (the mommies). We tried to do singing circles, but nobody really wanted to lead, so they stopped happening. Summer vacation is almost over for a group Leilani and I are going to attend “Tutu and me”, so there will be only 2 more Thursday groups, one here and one at Ramona’s house. I’ll miss them in a way, but playgroups at home sure are more work than driving to someone else’s playgroup…

Ho’opi’i Hike 6/17/07

3 weeks ago we went to Ho’opi’i, and Leilani and Jaya swam in the waterfall pool!

[Andy says: well, actually, it’s the nice calm pool downstream from the falls, but actually very dangerous because of the flat slippery rocks]

Andy posed behind and under the waterfall…


And Jaya practiced swinging on the vines:

Finally we found bananas[, Andy got to play with his machete,] and took them home.

[What you don’t see us carrying home are the 3 10-ft guava tree-trunks that Andy hacked on to make bean-poles in the garden. They were heavy.]