Day: January 29, 2008

Green Baths, Thrift Stores and More Fish for Breakfast

Leilani brought me a book to read. “How Fletcher Was Hatched”. Before handing it to me she looked at it thoughtfully and remarked. “This book is really old.” I said (in German but for the benefit of my readership I’ll translate :) “Yea, it comes from the thrift store.” Leilani looked at me. “I not giving it away!” I did not understand, and she tried again to explain, until it dawned on me that she viewed the thrift stores as long term libraries – we get stuff there, and we bring it back when we are done – Andy’s and my recycling and reusing philosophy viewed through brand new eyes.

So first I explained to her that I would not force her to give away her toys before she was ready, and they were hers until she decided she was done with them. Unlike library books, that caused tears many times before. There were actually books that we renewed 3 times in a row, brought them back and checked them out with the other card right away again.

I felt the need to explain how we need to let go of old to make room for the new – if your shelves are all full of old toys where will you put the new ones – and also reminded her how sad Puff was once Jackie Paper didn’t come any more – how much better to find another child who still likes to play with dragons. She asked if Puff was a “real dragon” and I struggled some more. Some of her questions and interpretations of the world seem so far out for a 2 year old – and some are so obvious once I try to put myself into her shoes and look at the world without the big database of experience, knowledge, interpretations and prejudices that one builds up over the years.

On a lighter note: Who needs legos? Leilani, advanced as she may be is a little behind in her fine motor skills – tested by “Tutu and Me” because she can’t build a tower from 7 blocks less than an inch (2.6cm) side length (and no, I don’t worry about it.) But she sure can build high lego towers and even higher cat food towers. (Disclaimer: She picks out her own clothes.)

Poor battered child. Actually these were 3 different incidents. She threw a tantrum, and while still raging with anger, not paying attention to anything, she ran into the kitchen in socks, slipped, and fell against the “Learning Tower” (her chair like super high steping stool). The very next day, while walking Maka the dog, she ran down the hill on the pavement, I warned her to run slowly, carefully or walk, but she did not listen. Got up, cried a minute, ran again, and fell less than 70 feet (20 meters) from the previous spot. She then ran much more cautious, in a jogging pace.

Andy took her to the coconut marketplace:

She likes colored baths a lot.

Oh, and some last links for advertisement purposes: don’t click this one but, that’s a good one.