Day: August 19, 2011

Leilani’s Art Summer 11


Cats and Birds on the Lanai

We tried to save a little pigeon, Fluffy. She was so tame she ate out of our hands… sadly she didn’t make it.

Leilani started to explore geometry, she didn’t just color it, with very little help she drew the circles too.

Lilifee and Rosalie


Rapunzel:Leilani drew her Rapunzel book with the CD and wrote “I can’t believe it” and the small text reads “My alphabet book has one princess tangled”

Rapunzel: I can’t believe I did this.
Rapunzel: I can’t believe I did this. *I can’t believe I did this!* Mother would be so furious. That’s OK though, I mean what she doesn’t know won’t kill her. Oh my gosh. This would kill her. *This is so fun!* I, am a horrible daughter. I’m going back. *I am never going back!* I am a despicable human being. *Woo-hoo! Best. Day. Ever!* [Sobs]

Yosemity, Vernal Falls:
