Day: November 18, 2011

Things we do at the Home School

Yesterday’s first lesson was on the computer. My aunt had sent a sweet email with animal pictures that had delighted Leilani (and I was grateful it was not in Power Point). Leilani wanted to write a Thank-You note. While I made breakfast Leilani managed to type:

Liebe Jutta!
Danke fuer alle die herzigen Bilder. ich hab die komischen sehr gemocht!
alles liebe

(Dear Jutta,
thanks for the sweet pictures, I liked the funny ones a lot.

There were about 8 typos, and after I showed her how, Leilani fixed half of them herself. I have to point out that she spelled “komischen” almost correctly, I’m very proud of her. Typing is going very well anyway because the d-b and q-p problems go away, and the j is always facing the right way.

(And for the German speakers: Grossschreibung kommt als naechstes dran – Capitalization is next)

(And for the English speakers: I believe English spelling is way too hard and confusing for kids that age. I’ll start on that later, and after I had some phonics training myself…)