Month: September 2012

First Snorkeling

Well, not just snorkeling, they started in the yard…

… went to a petting zoo ….

… and then to Beachhouse Beach …

Down, down, down we go…

Surge Wrasse

Smoothhead (or Orangespine) Unicorn Tang

Threadfin Butterfly Fish

Yellowtail Wrasse

Baby Monkseal

Kayaking and Hiking with Lisa

While I was on Oahu, Andy and Leilani went kayaking with Lisa:

The next day Lisa and I hiked the Moalepe trail


The potlucks at Lydgate are still going. That one was during Lisa’s visit.

This is from an even earlier one:

Larsen’s with Lisa

In April, Leilani, Lisa and I went to Larse’s beach.

Sonja’s Birthday

The last weekend in March we usually go camping at Salt Pond, and visit the orchid festival. Jaya and Leela and their parents joined us.

Leilani got a prize at the rooster-crowing contest

Makana always plays on my birthday :-)

Leilani found a stuffed reindeer that looked like it had been left over from the 60s and had spent all these decades outside in Hanapepe. She insisted on “saving” it, the girls washed it and hung it to dry, all in great fear that one of the adults would snatch it and throw it in the trash. (Now, 6 months later it still lives under some bushes in our yard, unless the chickens ate it in the meantime…) Update after talking with Andy: He threw it in the trash, very recently and with permission…

(and because I noticed that I looked heavier, I lost 13 pounds since then, 27 total since January…)