Month: October 2012

Graz: Schloss Eggenberg

Leilani and I took the train to visit Schloss Eggenberg in Graz.

There was a do-not-climb sign which disappointed Leilani

Leilani is very interested in archeology. We went to the archeological museum in Eggenberg and stayed for a long time.

The Kultwagen von Strettweg is almost 3000 years old and was found near Graz.

Graz: Visiting Landhaus and Zeughaus

The Grazer Landhaus was built 1527–1531 and was the first Renaissance building in Graz. It is still used for the county government, and the inner yard is used for art events and concerts.

I forgot why the “Dachreiter” is famous, but I remember it is.

Leilani: “Why did they fence in the deep well?” One of the attending adults: “So people couldn’t throw their kids in.”

The Styrian Coat of Arms, this time without modifications (at least none that I can see)

The had a guided tour for children in the Grazer Zeughaus (German, with movie). The Landeszeughaus (English), also known as the Styrian Armory, in Graz, Austria, is the largest existing original armoury in the whole world.

None of us really like weapons, but knights…aehm…um… we kind of like… and what would the knights be without their shiny armors and their weapons…

It was very cool. Leilani got to try a real suit of armor and a knights helmet. She claimed it was very heavy. And it looks a bit big for her.

These were big swords. Huge actually, but as the guide explained useful only in parades and shows.

It’s quite fashionable :-)

Graz is Different…

I should have mentioned it in the previous post about Graz… it’s different… and very interesting.

This is in an archeological museum. In a display case about bronze age and Hallstadt-time artefacts.

The sign reads: “Even though the solid, shiny “Super-Egg” does not bear any traces we assume that an egg, exactly like this was left with a shaman, after a visit from outer space, and stays behind as a proof of this, first contact and as our ticket to another planet.”

(Just so nobody worries about the Austrians: There is the name of an artist and some other stuff written on the floor, so most likely it is some kind of modern-art-happening that just happened in the archeological museum instead of the museum for modern art… and after all it says “we assume” and “an egg like this”… but still )

Public toilet. Left single user, right bring a friend?

3 newspapers, one headline (It says: what good is a public opinion without anyone to publish it). And unlike the US media, these usually have very different opinions on the public opinions…

Visiting Helmut, Barbara and Magdalena

(Merlin was not home)
Somebody took a really bad photo. And I believed her when she said it was a good photo.

Somebody else however takes good photos.

Kasimir is a very trustworthy dog