Month: June 2014


We visited Klaus, Inge, Kiron and Lilith


Kids and Cats went for a walk

Zooming in…

More Photos from Gleisdorf

Kathie came and visited.

We found a cat while hiking, first we named her Plici… I carried her for 4 miles, she got renamed to Kora (also Kore or Kori) and we drove her home for over 100 miles. After tick removal and a few good meals she turns out really pretty.

Leilani drew a coat of arms. She is very proud of the Venetian ancestry.

Leilani brushes her hair at the open window. I did similar things when I was a kid, and it causes a certain satisfaction for some people that I’m burning some Karma here.



We spent most of the day in Graz!

We parked near the Jakominiplatz and walked into the Herrengasse. Our first stop was the church “Grazer Stadtpfarrkirche”

Next we visited the antique weapons and armor collection at the Zeughaus, which Leilani really liked at her previous visit. Knights are still very popular…


Main Town square Hauptplatz. We had an organic vegan lunch at a booth right behind the fountain.

Next we visited the museum at the Palais

Then we climbed 260 steps to the Uhrturm on the Schlossberg and visited the nice park at the top and all it’s sights, including the Glockenturm and it’s 2900kg bell “Lisl”

We took the train down and had a snack at the Cafe Murinsel in the middle of the slightly stinky river Mur. There is a climbing net around and partially on top of the Cafe, and the strange little spot near the top of the window is Leilani.

The Kunsthaus was closed, like every time we visited it. I know nobody who ever went inside…

Back over the river Mur…

By the city hall “Rathaus”

To the car and back to Oma…