Month: December 2017

Thanksgiving Weekend

Leilani has already written a post about Thanksgiving – here a few more photos

That’s me, at the end of the diet and before Thanksgiving. I’m already making plans for another post-Christmas diet…

One of our usual beach dog walks

Randy invited us for Thanksgiving dinner, his landscaping is spectacular!

the dinner was even more spectacular

Thanks giving


Thanksgiving is on Thursday meaning there is a four day holiday weekend! four whole days!

 On Thursday at two pm we went to a small thanks giving party at our friend Randy’s house. I was the only kid there so I mostly entertained myself while the adults chatted about  Heatedly debated politics and matters like that. The food was delicious though, there was turkey (of course ?) and tofurky (I am trying to be a vegetarian) two kinds of gravy and lots (and lots lots lots lots) of other food  I came closer to stuffing myself than I have in three years, In case you haven’t noticed I am the reasonable one in the family. The dogs were sitting a little out of the way by a glass door and making puppy-eyes at me through the glass(????) next thing I know there is one of the adults calling; “Hey do you know your Daughter dumping food on the dogs?”? And then my Mom:” What” me:”?”  Mom:”?” me:”?” Mom:”?” me:”? he he”… anyway…Moving on to Friday!!!!! Friday I cleaned my room which took the whole day. Because It looked Horrible. Then on Saturday we had EV owners come over to decorate there cars (Leafs)? for the Christmas parade.  The definite winner was Theresa who covered her car with about 35 strings of LED lights each with  about 50 single lights plus one 300 light strand, and that would mean 35 strings of lights•50 lights =1750 lights and the extra 300 = 2050 lights on the car. You may think that isn’t that much but here is the result
In the end there were abut 9-10 lights per square foot on the car all secured in place with (Drum roll please) common blue packing tape… But (another drum roll please) It matches the car Almost perfectly. And from these facts you can guess  that because the packing tape is blue, and it matches the car, THE CAR IS BLUE!!