Month: March 2006


We are very happy that Leilani has slept through the night for the first time – March 8th 11:30pm until March 9th 6am (we are not so happy with her choosen bedtime though)

Wir sind begeistert, dass Leilani die Nacht von gestern auf heute durchgeschlafen hat. 23:30 bis 6:00 (weniger gluecklich sind wir mit der von ihr gewaehlten Schlafenszeit)

Leilani Speaks

She has been making more and more cooing and “arreuh” sounds this past month, but around dinner-time tonight Leilani really started practicing for speaking. For about 10 minutes, she just sat in her swing making two or three distinct “aah” and “ooh” sounds and using her mouth and tongue to modify the sound.

We recorded it with the video camera, and much later tonight I figured out how to download the video from the camera and upload it to this website. In order to see the video in this blog (I hope), I uploaded it to the YouTube service. Click the play button in either video (it may stop and start, just wait for it to finish and then replay the movie):

Short Excerpt:

Full Movie:

If you can’t see the movies, try downloading them by right-clicking one of the following and choosing “Save Target As:”LeilaniSpeaks_ex.mpg (3.5 MB excerpt) LeilaniSpeaks.mpg (28 MB full movie). These are large files, and I hope they work on Macs. My apologies to people with dial-up connections, but I’m guessing that grandparents might want to upgrade…


Leilani had her 3-month check-up today and Dr. Ancharski measured her:

  • Weight: 13 lbs 6 oz (6,070 kg)
  • Length: 25 inches (63.5 cm)

So she is tall, but otherwise normal and healthy.