Day: January 7, 2009

I can read!!!! I can read the words!!!!

yelled Leilani just 2 hours ago. She was looking at her Dino book. She has memorized a few books that we read often, so I would not believe she truly reads in these, but the Dino book we had not read in at least 3 months. (And it’s German, I know Andy did not either :)

Interested I asked for her to read to me. She pointed to 2 words and read “Eine Erdbeere” – a strawberry. The words were “Ein Erdbeben” – an earthquake. There was nothing in the picture that resembles a strawberry even remotely, and I was pretty awed, even though a few letters were obviously guessed.

She had been doing fairly well with letters – Saturday we went on a short hike, and she traced with her finger all letters of the sign at the park “Alum Rock County Park” and read all correctly except for the K but so far could never combine the letters to make words.