Day: April 4, 2010

Silk Painting at MNS

We painted silks at school. Only Sonja would come up with the idea of doing that with preschoolers…

That was the practice piece

And then the real one. Leilani and I had practiced at home, and then I invited her friend Sophia over to see if I could manage 2… that worked pretty well, at least while they focused. So I took the painting that they had started to school. I estimate 50% of the painting was done by 3 girls, Leilani, Sophia and Madeline, but most kids got a chance to paint at least a few flowers or leaves. I managed to take photos of all but 2.

Most of it went really nicely, but at one time N. started: “I don’t like J… she is not my friend…” so I needed to deal with the 2 girl, focusing 100% on them. My little helper Leilani, who had so far been extremely good, showing kids how to do it and even erasing others mistakes got jealous. “Hmmm. I think I will paint this leaf pink…” and she did. I made her sit on a chair and take a break to think about it (didn’t even call it timeout) while I erased the pink which caused a *major* meltdown… we needed teacher Liselle and a snack o get Leilani back on track.

Leilani erasing a mistake with a q-tip