Day: March 7, 2012

It’s raining, it’s pouring…

[If you already saw this video, I added 15 seconds at the end of last nights thunderstorm – 3/9/12 1:30 am]


Math Bingo

Leilani likes Math Bingo
She got it when she was 3, from a well-meaning parent at the Montessori Preschool she went to for a short time...
<sarcasm>I was happy to learn that the game was not meant for 3 year olds, but is labled 5+</sarcasm>
Meanwhile, another math-game, a few years old, from Austria...
For the same age group...

However, I am happy to say, Leilani is now playing with the American 5+ game (not the divisions and multiplications part), and ready to give away the Austrian 5+ game…