Day: July 8, 2012

Our Chickens

One of our neighbors does not like chickens and he has a gun. 11 tiny, motherless chickies were peeping frantically in front of my kitchen window. Andy helped me to catch them and put them in a box. Our cats ignored them from the first day.

Back then their main food were eggs and sprouts, they were fluffy and sweet and needed a heating lamp.

Fluffy and sweet most the time, sometimes they look like angry birds…

But as I said, most the time… fluffy and sweet

We started feeding them chicken starter or crumble, but they did not like it. Egg was still their favorite.

Leilani played with them… not quite parent approved, but at least she was very gentle

As soon as they were big enough I built them a pen, and they got to go outside when the weather was nice. They look so happy on this picture. That photo was taken 10 days after we found them.

Still eating sprouts…

Around 5 pm they start their peeping and want to go to their box again, and they get up around 6 am(they peep very softly in the mornings and loud and frantic at night)

Getting bigger fast, and growing feathers… when we went to Kokee, we brought them to friends for the weekend who also have chickens (adult laying hens). I was so glad that their cat did not eat them. I sometimes give them my old wheatgrass.

This is Arrow. She is the tamest, or at least when this photo was taken she was. Right now one of the roosters is even tamer, his name used to be Madeline (or maybe Maedlein) but now he is “Clover”.

That’s what happens if I let her on my arm. She climbs up to my shoulder and then into my hair…

Andy is building them a chicken tractor

Leilani loves them, and they love her (and the sorrel and clover she feeds them)

Volcano, Crater Rim Hike

Even though the weather was a bit iffy most of the day I had a beautiful hike. It was a bit short as I was tired already (jogged 3 miles in the thin air this morning), and there were many distractions along the way, like this Ohelo berry…

and many vistas and photo ops

The trail was pretty, going through native shrubs and then through a fern, koa and ohia forest.

The rainbow on the way back was spectacular, I could not decide which picture to post (…) Seeing the dark clouds behind it and all the (wet) rain gear on people walking from the parking lot made me worry a bit about the weather, but I made it to the car dry. I am grateful for that.

The steam vents were going full steam, and there was a bonus orb, purple with a golden tail. It was in another photo too, at a totally different location.