Day: September 25, 2016

Random September Photos

I got a huge jackfruit. It was a bit smelly (all Jackfruit are at least the ripe ones) so the dogs were interested. We named it Smiky because it was smooth and spiky and I had troubles slaughtering it. Leilani commented it was not smart to name fruit and Andy, thoroughly unimpressed cut it open.

I froze 6 or 7 pounds, we ate about that much and I attempted to dehydrate 3.

The seeds are edible too, kind of taste like chestnuts. Before we boiled them, but roasted they are better. Next time I’ll take them out 5 minutes earlier.

It only took 35 phone calls to get our Kapaa chargers fixed… But in all actuality as soon as the right people understood the issues they were nice and things started moving

Anini Camping