Day: October 20, 2008

At our new home

Pumpkin Patch

We finally had enough internet connection (wednesday we’ll get our own) to upload some photos

Mondays in San Bruno

Our weekend was good, but today Leilani was … well … I was … thinking about boarding school. Fantasizing about 7 days 6am – 9pm childcare. Working for Sun Microsystems again… anyway. Andy is back, and reading more books to her. That was he only way today to keep her quiet today. Read. More books…

We also went to the park. She took one look at the toddler and preschooler equipment and went right over to the big kids play structure and climbed a 3 meter wall, that’s 9 feet. She climbed really well, every climbing thing or ladder they had, climbed over the top bar of a 7-foot play ladder, and the handholds were set for much bigger kids. She also climbed down, fearlessly, and and ran well but was highly unsocial with other kids (growling “Go away…”). We played there for an hour and a half and walked 1/2 mile there and back, so she got some exercise.

She also didn’t have any accidents – not peeing (like the past week or so) nor others, but it seemed to me that today was one of the hardest days with her – if I took my attention off her (answering the phone) she screamed at the top of her lungs – followed by the inevitable timeout and more screaming. When she was happy she talked – without a break. Nonstop. Except when I read…

Why do I have the time to write this? She watches another snake-eating movie