Month: March 2011

Planting at MNS

I donated a lot of my plants to MNS. A pickup load full. I didn’t even know I had that many plants… On my next workday I worked on them with some children – Narnia, Jay and Leilani. We had fun planting, watering weeding and especially picking the herbs

Art and Pretty Things

Leilani’s iPhone Art

Leilani arranged the strawberries and absolutely needed to photograph them

Looks like a pose to me…

Sonja’s art. All made in Photoshop from 16 small blue tile and 6 white ones…

I stopped for the rainbow in Portola, and found 5 Parasol Mushrooms (the shaggy ones, in German Roetende Riesenschirmlinge, aber wirklich riesig) and one Blewit

One of the last CA sunrises…

Playdate with Jay

While we are packing Leilani often gets to visit her friends Jay and Oliver. Here she is eating self-made pizza with Jay

Early Spring at MNS

Leilani and Jay


… and Leilani found treasures

With Oliver, Narnia and Jay

Leilani, Mousa, Matthew, Eliza, Elizabeth, Junior and Ryan

With Ansel and Stefanie

Tiana and Stefanie
