Month: October 2011


About the English Language

Jim says:

The thank-you card from Leilani arrived last Friday and I forgot to mention it. I think the Black Stallion scarf is great. Leilani’s fonetic spelling of the wierd English words is really neat. Reminds me of me, never cud spell it ther way and still kant. It took me awhile to figure some of it out, just shows how brainwashed you can get. The toughest was “hu” and after awhile I decided she was correct and the rest of us wrong, why would anyone spell it “who”? I had trouble with that word until end of third grade, and now I know why. Everybody had it rong, “Tha Girl hu luvd wild hosis” is rite. And don’t you dare laugh at her for it or even fuss a little. Eventually she will learn, probably before third grade.

Thanks for the photo, Jim!

I’m really happy Jim wrote this, it sums up much of what I think of English spelling, but as a foreigner feel I can’t really say loudly…

In other news, Leilani’s German spelling is on track, most words with 4-5 letters she writes correctly. But then, of course German has words like Geburtstagskuchen and Sachertortenschokoladenglasur and Aprikosenkonfituere that are hard to spell too, and that reminds me why I should stop blogging now. (Happy Birthday Andy!)


(Play on words. Only understandable for German speakers)

Leilani hat wieder einmal ein neues Wort erfunden… Sauhaufen hoert sie haeufiger als Komentar ueber ihr Zimmer, als wir vor kurzem im Stau steckten bezeichnete sie den als “Stauhaufen”.