Me, Mine, No!

I was so happy about Leilani’s rapid speech development… but… a week ago she added “mine” or “mein” (g) to her vocabulary and uses it gramatically corectly (opposed to “Me”), often, and on items that are definitly not hers. Yesterday on our walk I wanted her to turn around and go home again – she replied “No”! Today we met her friend Joseph again, seems he is the one of the main teachers of new words, I heard him say yes a few times, hopefully that will follow now. And “Please” which he also uses would be nice, she is ordering us around pretty harshly now, very rarely does she say a sentence, just shouts what she wants (Up!, Out!, NamNam!, WaWa!) and keeps repeating until we fulfill her need (or throws tantrum if we don’t). New words include Wal (whale), turtle, fish, hike, apple, cheerios and cheese. Out she pronounces pretty badly, outa or ata, and her favorite food, dried peas she still often calls “Puffs” – maybe because their consistency is similar to puffed cereal. Some words where she is totaly off are Bunny – she calls them “Bmammmm”, maybe because Andy keeps telling her they go boing boing (while hopping around) and Hairbrush – Haba. Bye bye – Baba in german got a cute mix – she now says Ba-bye adding some singing sound to it. She uses Hi and Bye (or Ba-bye) correctly now, when she’d like to go (for a walk, or away) or has enough of something (or somebody) she waves and says Ba-bye too.

Author: Sonja

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