Other news and photos 12/06

2 Weekends (12/9) ago we went over to Chris’s for a gingerbread party, and afterwards to Monicos for some Mexican food.

With Chris

Raya, Chris, Joseph, ? and Jaya

Jaya, Joseph and Leilani playing in the yard at Monicos

A few days after that we checked out the christmas displays and lights at the county building

Andy finally got a new camera, I picked it up at Cosco today, so the photos are going to get better again (hopefully :-)

Leilani talks a lot more now, and is harder to understand because she says so many different things, and some sound alike (apple and open for example). Book she says really well, pronounces it German “Buch”, but often I have no idea what she says. She is also throwing more tantrums, but I guess it is really frustrating when she says something and either we can’t understand, or we do understand and she can’t have it. I got the Dr Sears discipline book and am reading it, but a lot of the advice seems a little unpractical. I suppose I’ll get another book on a different approach called behavioral modification.

We are starting to get nervous about our trip, what to pack, the redeye flight, still no seat reservations…and Leilani is still not all healthy. I took her to see the doctor today again, he was not concerned, at least not about her. He gave her some vitamins, and me some really disgusting pills (I made the mistake of coughing there).

Author: Sonja

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