A Drive in the Country

Today’s outing after Leilani’s nap was a drive through the countryside, which is more of an adult activity. The weather has been nice for so long that the views were a bit hazy, but we won’t complain:

The small villages are very pretty, especially when we find an old wooden farmhouse:

We drove along the Steirische ÄpfelStrasse (Steirmark region Apple Road) which effectively runs through miles and miles of apple orchards. Fruit products are a big export in this region because the weather tends to be relatively warm and sunny. Most orchards are now dwarf trees under rows of netting, but we found some old-fashioned trees in bloom:

After the parents had their fill of sightseeing, we had to stop and let the baby out of the car seat. The town of Puch had a picturesque church, a swing for Leilani, and lots of flowers for her to smell (and for her parents to film and photograph):

Author: Andy

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