San Jose August 10

Leilani and I went to visit the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum in San Jose. First we looked at the garden, sphinxes, obelisks and a statue of Cesar among many other interesting things and plants.

The museum is beautiful from the outside

Leilani really enjoyed it and we stayed almost 2 hours

For our picnic lunch we sat right next to the peace garden and then Leilani played at the pond for a little while. We went to the planetarium, but that was rather boring and we left a few minutes before it was over. There were 2 beautiful dragonflies, I managed to snap a picture with the iphone

We went back and took a guided tour into the tomb – Leilani was really scared at first, but then said the tour had been her favorite thing.

We drove to the Winchester Mystery House and walked around in the gardens before taking another one hour tour. As soon as the guide said to raise the hand if we had any questions Leilani did. Her first – of many – question was “How did Ms Winchester die?” (Old age, Leilani seemed disappointed, the audience suggested a gunshot…) Leilani was the youngest – there were a few young teenagers, mostly adults, Leilani had to stay next to the guide all the time, and be the first through every door sometimes before the guide… The guide was not really annoyed, but slightly surprised, more so that Leilani kept it up for the entire tour. She told me she had never before seen a kid “stay with the tour” for more than 20 minutes, often the parents had to leave…

We ended the day at the beautiful and solar-panel thatched Vegetarian House and rolled ourselves a lot of fake fish spring rolls, and also ate heavenly salad.

Author: Sonja

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