Kauai Summer 2010 – Arriving

Leilani sometimes has wild hair, it’s the longest in the family by now. She was playing with the blanket on the plane and Andy noticed how the static electricity attracted her hair

Arrival on Kaua’i is always a bit stressful because we never plan anything. We know we’re going camping but never reserve ahead of time. We landed in the early afternoon, quickly got the car, and went to Lihue to figure out which campgrounds work the best. We got lucky that the campgrounds weren’t all full on the weekend.

After an hour at the county and and state camping offices, we drove to the house to get our camping gear, and went to Anahola to set up the campsite. Leilani built a sandcastle and took pictures while we built the tent and set up:

She was pretty impressed when we moved a big table:

Later we met Olivia, Luci and their parents Amy and Andy for dinner at Mermaids. The girls go to Leilani’s school (Olivia graduated already), and had been on Kaua’i almost a week already.

After dinner, the girls were all wound up from seeing each other, so we went for a little walk,and window-shopped at “Tropical Tantrum” (especially the girls).

Andy had to go back to the house to install an internet cable to the office so he could work. In order to have 10 days on Kaua’i, he had to work 3 days after arriving. So he got up early each morning and drove to the office.

The first Kauai sunrise for us after such a long time…

Andy came back briefly for breakfast then went back to work. Later in the day, Luci and Olivia and parents came to play at Anahola beach.

Andy went to the Kapaa Farmer’s market after work and brought a soursop for an afternoon snack at the beach.

For dinner we went to Cafe Coco and had live music. We gave the girls their own table and had a mostly quiet meal. The girls requested “Somewhere over the Rainbow” and the musicians tried (1/4 of the song…). Our waitress was Monica, a sister of Chloe, Leilani’s first babysitter who lived not too far away, she recognized us.

Author: Sonja

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