Leilani speaks…

On the phone with Andy she remarked: “I am back from Kärnten at Oma’s house, so when you are all done with your work you better come home too.” (Andy is in SF talking to Google and partying with Ruwan)

Leilani brushed her doll’s teeth. I remarked how good her baby was, how much better than my baby who is the doll’s mommy and asked why that was. Leilani’s answer: “Because I buyed this baby at the store”

“Can I ride a horsie?” “No Leilani, we’ll see Inka tomorrow.” “How about a plastic horsie?”

When we came home from Kärnten we stopped at a “Autobahnraststation” – a restaurant along the freeway for Leilani to go to the bathroom and to eat. She tasted a lot of things that I had piled on the salad bar plate, and did not like anything but the olives (not even beans). I asked her to try the sheeps cheese and she was not too happy, but did as I asked. After a little chewing she grimassed, spat the whole bite into her hand and tried to give it back to me. After disposing the cheese I asked: “Leilani what’s wrong, you usually like sheeps cheese?” she answered: “I only like good Schafskäse (sheeps cheese) not bad Schafskäse”

Author: Sonja

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