A Hui Hou Tutu and Me

Yesterday was our last day at Tutu and Me.

For once we were almost on time I always have to be 2 minutes late because the Pledge of Allegiance is so awkward… I am not a citizen and not supposed to pretend to be one (actually that’s a reason for the green card to be revoked) , but on the other hand people get offended by others not reciting the pledge – so we are always a little late. Maybe I talk too much again…. anyway, that’s at first circle

Leilani and Keale

Leilani loves dogs, even the pitbulls.

They were listening to “Old Makana had a Taro farm” and looking at the book.

She did a series of somersaults down the ramp too. I just was not quite fast enough with the camera.

That’s a dress that “dances very well”

Hickory Dickory Dock – the mouse ran up the clock…

Leilani’s mouse is a little ahead

Who wants to read the “Giraffes can’t dance” book about Gerald the giraffe? Unanimous vote, the kids love the book and it also has a great message, and a few reminders about how to treat or not treat others that are different.

Gerald the clumsy giraffe goes to a jungle dance, and the other animals are mean and make fun of him because he can’t dance, sadly he leaves…

…and meets a cricket that plays beautiful music and suddenly he dances all by himself and has fun dancing. The animals that were so cruel before come and watch and admire him.

Leilani made a taro plant, she was so proud… she filled a brown paper bag with paper that she had rolled into balls, taped leaves onto chopsticks and helped to put it together and close it with a twisty tie. I never knew how hard it is to use Scotch tape either… The taro plants were than put into the lo’i (in this case a box) and then presented by the aunties to the proud owner

Happy Birthday

This really is Goodbye? Forever and all times?

A Hui Hou…

Author: Sonja

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