Graz is Different…

I should have mentioned it in the previous post about Graz… it’s different… and very interesting.

This is in an archeological museum. In a display case about bronze age and Hallstadt-time artefacts.

The sign reads: “Even though the solid, shiny “Super-Egg” does not bear any traces we assume that an egg, exactly like this was left with a shaman, after a visit from outer space, and stays behind as a proof of this, first contact and as our ticket to another planet.”

(Just so nobody worries about the Austrians: There is the name of an artist and some other stuff written on the floor, so most likely it is some kind of modern-art-happening that just happened in the archeological museum instead of the museum for modern art… and after all it says “we assume” and “an egg like this”… but still )

Public toilet. Left single user, right bring a friend?

3 newspapers, one headline (It says: what good is a public opinion without anyone to publish it). And unlike the US media, these usually have very different opinions on the public opinions…

Author: Sonja

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