Parenting Expense

I explained our monetary reward system on this blog before. The regular reward is still a quarter, but… there are also a few high price items now.

When we were in Austria and Andy was not, I wanted to have an evening with my family. It was bedtime. I offered 2 Euros to Leilani for going to bed by herself. Seeing her reluctant expression my mom quickly raised to 5 Euros. Leilani demanded my iPhone (loaded with prime / unheard audiobooks) on top of it and the bedtime routine took less 10 minutes for me, instead of an hour. We repeated this once in Austria for the same price.

Friday, Andy and I had dinner guests without kids here, and afterwards we played the game Kaua’i-opoly (as in Monopoly, only Kaua’i-themed). Again, I offered the 5 – just Dollars instead of Euros, Leilani demanded the iphone, and went to brush her teeth. (Andy was a bit shocked at the price when he found out).

The next morning Leilani decided she wanted to donate the money for the defenders of wildlife to save the wolves. As usual I matched her donations 2:1 and happily wrote the check for $15.

Author: Sonja

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