Wie ein halbes Auge!

Like half an Eye!

Leilani jumped wildly on the trampoline with a friend and got a bruise and she is very proud of it. (Kind of kiddy-battle-scar it seems…)

When she wrote an email to her cousin 1/3 of the email dealt with the bruise, and then she had to take her photo and email that as well. She choose the one that brought out the bruise the best: Quote: “Das da, glaubst du nicht? Da sieht man’s genau! Wie gross es ist… wir die Iris, wie ein halbes Auge!!!” “This one. Don’t you think? One can see exactly how big it is. Like the iris, like half an eye…”

Another one from this morning:

Andy: “Leilani that’s way too much butter and jam on your bread.”
Leilani: “Oh, that’s true, I should add some more peanut butter!”

Author: Sonja

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