Imagination Runs Wild

“Ring! Ring! One moment please I have to answer the telephone.” Leilani picked up her imaginary cellphone and said Hello. Then she turned to me again “It’s Jaya!” To the telephone: “Oh no. Oh no! Okay. Bye Jaya.” She handed me the phone. “It is Jaya, the planet is broken!!! What can we do?” I finished 15 seconds worth of small talk and said good-bye to the imaginary Jaya. “What can we do?” Leilani asked again. I suggested: “Well, is it the climate or what is wrong with the planet?” Yes, it was the climate, global warming… (we were in the Sierra Club hut, and there might have been some morphogenetical field hanging around there). So we took a plane to the amazonian rain forest and talked people into stopping to cut down and burn trees, and helped them to make a living otherwise. Leilani had a lot of creative ideas, some of which were more and some that were less realistic. We continued to educate people to eat fewer cows and drink less milk to reduce the methane (that was my idea) and then then we talked about local foods and low emission cars.

I think then the audience got bored, or the climate got better, because the phone rang again. It was Raya this time “Oh no! Oh, no!” again. This time I didn’t get to talk, she said bye and hung up. Leilani turned to me. “The people are cutting down trees, they are making paper!”… so we flew there, and first thing we taught them to plant fast growing fibrous plants – flax and hemp – to make paper. And we – that was Leilani’s contribution – collected all the old paper and made new paper out of it too. That was an easier task than fixing the climate, because we got it all done, and Leilani instructed the people at the papermill to teach everyone else and to call us on the phone in case they forgot again hw to do it properly.

Ring, ring. Oh, no! This time people were picking all the flowers. We never found out what they wanted to do with the flowers, but we had huge amounts of wild flower seeds that we shared with them – to be planted in their yards. And we re-seeded the meadow, and then went back a while later to find the meadow beautiful, full of flowers and butterflies. Ella who so far had not really participated other than the flying to the different locations and being an energy plane, yelled “Butterflies – I’ll get my net” and was advised that butterflies could not be caught, and she was not allowed to bring her net. Since she did not believe Leilani I tried to put my authority in, but not very successful. Anyway, there were so many butterflies…

Ring, Ring. Oh no. Leilani turned to Ella. “The trains are broken” – trains are Ella’s greatest love. Ella forgot all about catching Leilani’s imagined butterflies. “Do you know where the trains are?” Ella sure did. We went outside and Leilani had 3 toolboxes ready. We went to fix the trains. (since the tools were imagined Leilani taught us how to say “drill drill drill” or “hammer hammer hammer” to indicate what we were doing.) After a while she brought paint and brushes: “Ella, here is blue, would you like to paint Thomas?” (I swear that this is true, Leilani freely gave up engine number One this time) “Here Sonja, you can paint Henry, and I paint James”. We painted a little while and then Ella noticed they had to be polished. We polished the trains, and the phone rang again.

Climbing the ladder to reach the top of the train

Painting the train

Train Tai Chi

“Oh, Hi uncle Serge! … “Yes”… “Yes” … “We are fixing everything.” Excited jumping. “Oh the volcano! … Yes” she turned to me and yelled: “Let’s go and see the volcano erupting! Talk to Uncle Serge!” and handed me the receiver. Although I had some profound questions for Serge I bit my tongue and just said “Hi, yes we are fixing climate and stuff… bye” and off we flew, to the Big Island, and we saw the beautiful eruptions, narrated by Leilani, and interrupted by Ella, who had another broken Volcano. Leilani flew a very small plane (she still remembers that Oma and Mommy and Daddy took turns a long time ago in a small plane to fly to see the molten Lava, and she didn’t get to go)

Leilani commented on the lava flowing all the way to the ocean. Which is pretty far from Pu’u O’O. The interruptions got louder, so we flew after the energy-plane Ella and visited the broken volcano, but we got bored soon, and so Leilani’s phone rang again

“Oh, no!” she turned to me. “They are killing all the fish” So we took a boat and went out onto the ocean- to be exact to the middle of the ocean – and talked to the people on the fishing boat. I unfortunately mentioned a turtle that had drowned in the nets, and regretted that a lot (especially at dinner time when Leilani refused to eat fish).

We tried to talk the fisherman into living on land and become farmers, but failed. So we went to the people and convinced them to eat more soy and less fish. I think we still need to work a little more on that.

After that we fixed a space station and visited Saturn and Neptune in a space ship, where we met Stitch and went to Kauai, but I already broke my record for my longest post ever, so I’ll stop…

Author: Sonja

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