
I like recording these firsts. The other night when Leilani was eating rice, she was also chewing on my finger and I noticed her gums felt different. When we tried to look into her mouth, we could tell her gums were a bit red, but she got fussy so we couldn’t get a good look at them. That was probably a sign itself, in addition to all the drooling. Today, we got a good look and could see the gums parting and definitely feel hard teeth underneath.

She drooled a lot several months ago, and my wife lost a bet that Leilani would get teeth early. But since she has actually been less fussy lately we weren’t expecting teeth. Everybody says teething is so painful, and after the early colic, we were afraid she (and we) would be miserable. Some of our neighbors that we don’t know at all have a baby that we never heard until recently, and we assumed that he was teething. But Leilani is showing no signs of discomfort from the teething, which is a small miracle in our eyes (and ears).

Mommy adds: Leilani was not only brave when teething, she also got her first vaccination today, and did not cry at all. We are so proud of her!

No I will not show you my teeth!

With a lot of patience…

Author: Andy

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