Our Sparow

For less than 24 hours I had a young sparrow. First one cat caught him in the morning, we set him free and then the other cat got him around 4pm, this time after I freed him he was a bit dazed and did not really hop around happily anymore. So I went back and caught him again 10 minutes later. It was way too easy and I thought he was probably injured. He sat on my hand for a while my mom got a cage, but he did not want to leave my hand when I tried sticking him in. 1/2 hour later the bird perked up and ate crumbled up birdfood and drank water drops from my finger. He tried to fly once or twice but was not very successful at landing. Without hesitation he let me pick him up again, and hoped on my shoulder, wanting to eat every 15 minutes or so. He let me know he needed something by nibbling on my finger, alternating between my head, hand and shoulder and occasionally my arm. Leilani and Andy got to feed him too, and Leilani found better way to give him water.

After 4 hours we put him in his cage and darkened it, and it slept there, until I woke him up at 5:30 to feed him before Leilani had to start to get ready for school around 6am.

When I went to take a shower (after sending Leilani off around 7am to the train) I “loaned” the bird to Andy.

He did not stay right on his head for long, but close by and watched Andy perched on the computer. You can see a small wound on his chest on this picture.

As soon as I was back, even while my hair was wet he liked sitting on my head.

I researched their food, and was very sad to learn that the chances of successfully raising a bitten songbird were extremely low because of cat bite infections, and the bird definitely had small bites on the chest. The good news were that the wildlife rescue organization “Wildtiere in Not” takes birds like this and raises them and in most cases is able to set them free. With a heavy heart we brought the bird to the station in Graz, I tried to cover the bird with a handkerchief-tent in the car, but he kept pinching me harder and harder until I gave in and let him sit on my shoulder. He looked out the window intently, climbed down once to eat a few flakes and a dried mealworm, and only got panicky when we got out the car, I had to put him in a cage to turn him over. I was very sad to let him go, even though it was the right thing for us and the bird. The staff separated us way to fast, and to them it’s total routine, they treated his injuries right away and put him in the cage with another young sparrow. I’ll go visit him in 2 days or so.

Author: Sonja

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