Hop, Hop, X, Hop, De Mayo

demayoWe took Leilani to the Udhapai Palace in the Mission District to have dinner. We had to park far away, and to entertain Leilani we pointed out that she could hop on all the Xs that were painted or graffitied on the sidewalk.

It worked, she happily hopped, commenting her hopping and also read out the Xs aloud. (There were many… Andy stepped on 2 with one foot…)

So usually it sounded something like “hop, hop, x, x, hop, x…”  interrupted by giggling, then he said: “hop, hop, x, demayo, hop…” All three of us turned around to figure out what she meant. Andy was the first to spot the stencil (and he also found it later on the internet – Thanks Andy) and we realized she had read it.

Bright red, large letters, just like in the awesome reading system that I so raved about in July (and that long since disappeared into oblivion)

(Her usual reading is still pretty bad…” Ae En De…a n d ….. aaa nnnn dddd…aaaaa nnnnnn ddddd…and?” and we don’t even try words longer than 3 letters)

Author: Sonja

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