Month: August 2013

Leilanis favorite Joke

I sometimes reads inappropriate jokes. Some of the just borderline inappropriate ones I share with Leilani. This one made her laugh endlessly:

AT the Na Keiki O Na Aina Summercamp

Leilani had a lot to say… I hope tomorrow she will write the comments on this post…

Leilani’s Camera – Leilani’s Art

Leilani’s Camera lost the date… most the pictures don’t have a timestamp…

I was washing the sheets and tried blocking the unmade bed… spot the cat. It’s totally beyond me how someone who meows at the top of his lungs because he cant find his way out of a garden bed tries to step into a mess that big…


It costs me a lot to put that up. It’s for Leilani, so she has some memories. For me it was the unhappiest day in over 18 months… All photos are completely raw, but at least they are there

Spring 13

Derek’s Birthday

Hiking on Nounou


I was in Honolulu

Leilani worried I’d eat junkfood for lunch, so I sent her these:

Blue Stop sign…

Orchid Festival Kid’s room… hold on tight…


Deven’s Birthday