Month: November 2012


In June, during a party at Eden’s house Andy and I went on a date.
First we went on a walk

And then to Gabriellas art exhibition at the Cafe Hemingway, the former small town cafe

And then forgot to take more photos

Hiking Nounou last Summer

Worst house in our neighborhood

KEA Homeschool

Twice a week Leilani goes to KEA a homeschool near our house.

September, Kauai

I have a lot of photos from before the vacation…

Tillandsia in our yard… one of them

Renee is Leilani’s pottery teacher.

I’ll try to catch up before Christmas…

Leilani’s Art: Austria 2012

As always, uncropped and un-edited…

Leilani commented on the blurriness: “Schau einmal, da war ich zu betrunken, hick, hick” (sorry, does not translate well)