Month: August 2010

Catching up

I have been falling behind with the blog, more than 9 weeks for a while but I am happy to say that now, after 2 months of lots of posts I am almost caught up. Just one month behind, and I think I’ll get there this week. It is so much nicer when it is current, but then I always want it organized and named and ready to be printed as well… and yes, I have been fixing up a few photos and that takes time.

It should be easier now, as I have no Photoshop to speak off… so I am a lot faster with the pictures.

Although we have a great activity planned for today – Great America – I don’t want to take the camera, so there will be iPhone only pictures – if at all…

Pool Party At David’s

David and Cassidy had a great pool party to celebrate the end of the school year. Everyone had a great time in the pool:

Leilani, who has been swimming a few times at a Millbrae pool this year, isn’t afraid of getting her face wet in the water anymore. With the floatation suit and water wings to keep her up, she has no fear of the deep water, and she can paddle herself around wherever she wants to go. It’s not quite swimming yet, but it’s a big step forward:

And she loves playing in the water:

Olivia swims and dives really well, too:

Thank you David and family for inviting us, this was a great idea!

Hands Across The Sand – Clean Energy

On June 26, at beaches all over the US and in places around the world, people joined hands to protest the BP Gulf disaster. By extension, people were also showing their support for using less oil and more renewable energy, hopefully reversing America’s oil addiction. This demonstration was organized and publicized by Hands Across the Sand, an organization that has been opposing offshore oil drilling since before the disaster.

We went to the closest beach in Pacifica. Unfortunately, the cold, windy, and cloudy weather meant there was a low turnout:

Kick the Oil Habit!


Recent conversation:

Sonja (looking at a Subway napkin claiming to be from 100% recycled paper): “I am so glad that the green idea is catching on with major coorporations.”
Leilani: “It is catching on everywhere!”
Sonja: “Yes even in schools.”
Leilani: “Did you know my crayons are made from soybeans?”

Leilani is extremely green. When she draws a car she points out it is electric and when she draws a house she always adds solar panels to the roof. I am very happy and proud about this, she is also really good about turning off faucets, not using too much toilet or tissue paper and being conservation minded in general.

The good example we set at home really is reinforced at school, and it really sticks.

Piney Creek Camping Day 2

Good morning Leilani and Andy!

Hair’s all better now:

Leilani and Remy really see eye-to-eye on a lot of things:

Looks like there is a line forming or Lisa’s treats… organic dog cookies anyone?

Making breakfast:

The campsite (Lower Piney Creek) is really nice, with a big creek flowing right next to it (and no poison oak blocking the creek).

Across the creek is an old road, and it’s all overgrown. Still, it seemed like we could walk there:

Remy could for sure, but he doesn’t slow down for poison oak:

Sonja saved 2 dragonflies from spider’s webs. They really held still while she pulled off string by string with the bristle of a grass. Both flew off seemingly unharmed. (These photos were taken before and probably of different dragonflies)

And there were still some pretty flowers; here a thistle:

We made our way downstream, and stopped at the second crossing for Leilani to play in the water:

Sonja says she meant to photoshop this… but her Photoshop CS 5 demo license ran out … and she doesn’t want to go back to the old one. Anyway, too dark for now:

Leilani still likes to take pictures of her feet. In this one, the sand had some mica in it, and she said her feet were “sparkly,” but it doesn’t show on the picture:

Check that out… this is so cool…

We were so amazed by the road, we both had to take pictures of the sign (there’s a reason it’s not visible from the main road nearby):